bkt_tool delete

Saves the workspace contents of the Public Queries folder in a Rational® ClearQuest® user database and then deletes the workspace from the database.


Platform: Windows

Command type: bkt_tool subcommand


bkt_tool -d
-dbset dbset -db dbname -user username -password password -directory "pathname"


The Rational ClearQuest bucket tool delete subcommand, -bkt_tool -d, saves the workspace contents of the Public Queries folder in a user database and then deletes the workspace from the database.

Options and arguments

-dbset dbset
Specifies the schema connection name. Required if there are multiple schema repositories in the system.
-db dbname
Specifies the user database from which you are importing the workspace objects.
-user username
Specifies the login name of the user whose objects you want to delete. This user must have Super User privileges.
-password password
Specifies the password for the username user. If there is no password, enter an empty set of double quotes ("").
-directory pathname
Specifies the path name of the directory that contains the files to import. Enclose the path name in double quotes. The pathname contains a text file named CONTENTS.CFG and a series of files named 0001.DAT through nnnn.DAT. The .DAT files contain the binary data for each workspace object.


  • Save the workspace of the test1 user database to the d:\temp\bkt_test directory and then delete the workspace.

    bkt_tool -d -dbset 1.1 -db test1 -user admin -password secret -directory "d:\temp\bkt_test"

See also