Returns the value stored in the specified column of the current row.
If the cursor is not positioned at a record, or the field's value has not been set, the returned Variant will be NULL. To advance the cursor to the next row, you must call the MoveNext method.
In the current version of the Rational® ClearQuest® API, the Variant is always set as a string, but future versions might let you initialize the Variant to the most appropriate native type.
Columns are numbered from 1 to N, not 0 to N-1.
resultset.GetColumnValue columnNum
- Identifier
- Description
- resultset
- A ResultSet object, representing the rows and columns of data resulting from a query.
- columnNum
- A Long that specifies the desired index (1-based) into the array of columns.
- Return value
- For Visual Basic, a Variant that contains the value
stored in the specified column of the current row is returned.
For Perl, a String containing the column value.