Getting a list of defects and modifying a record

The following Perl example is an external program that lists all the defect records in a Rational® ClearQuest® user database, and modifies one of the records. The program:

  • Lists all the defect records in the SAMPL database, and selects "id," "Headline," and "State" as display fields.
  • Modifies the "Description" field of the defect record SAMPL00000012 to be "This defect has been modified."


use CQPerlExt;

#Getting the session

my $session = CQSession::Build();

CQSession::UserLogon ($session, "admin", "", "SAMPL", "Lab3");

my $querydef = $session->BuildQuery ("defect");

$querydef->BuildField ("id");

$querydef->BuildField ("headline");

my $resultset = $session->BuildResultSet ($querydef);


while (($resultset->MoveNext()) == 1)


   $id   = $resultset->GetColumnValue(1);

   $rec  = $session->GetEntity("Defect", $id);

   $head = $rec->GetFieldValue("Headline")->GetValue();

   $state= $rec->GetFieldValue("State")->GetValue();

   print "$id, $head, $state. \n";

   if ($id eq "SAMPL00000012") {

     $session->EditEntity($rec, "Modify");

     $rec->SetFieldValue("description", "This defect has been modified.");




