Opening a URL

The GSU_CQXE_OpenURL global hook opens a web browser window to a specified URL. The function first opens a confirmation dialog, whose message you can customize. If the user clicks OK in the dialog, the browser opens; if the user clicks Cancel, the dialog closes and focus returns to the record form.

This functionality is available on the Rational® ClearQuest® Client and Rational ClearQuest Web client. If a user attempts to open a URL from an older client, or from the Rational ClearQuest client for Windows, the API returns an informational message. To display this message to the user, call the die function.

To use the GSU_CQXE_OpenURL global hook function to open a URL, you must apply the GlobalScriptUtility (GSU_CQXE) package to update your schema with the global hook code.
  1. In the Designer, right-click on the version of the schema where you want to apply the package and select Packages > Apply Package. The Package Wizard opens.
  2. Expand the GlobalScriptUtility node in the list of packages and select version 1.0. Click Next.
  3. Select the record types where you want to apply the package. Click Finish.
The GlobalScriptUtility package is now applied to the schema you selected. To verify the package installation, look for the new GSU_CQXE global script in the schema.

For more information about applying packages, see Packages.


The following examples show a record script that you can use with the global hooks to open a URL. In these examples, clicking an OpenIBM button opens a dialog and asks whether the user wants to open a browser to the specified URL. If the user clicks OK, a browser window opens to; if the user clicks Cancel, the dialog closes.

To use this example, make the following changes to your schema:
  1. Create a record script named Open_Url, using the Perl or VBScript example.
  2. Add a new tab named OpenURL to the Defect_Base form in the Defect record type.
  3. On the OpenURL tab, add a new Button control named OpenIBM, and associate it with the Open_Url record script.

Perl examples

sub Defect_Open_Url {
    my($param) = @_;
    # record type name is Defect
    $msg="Do you want to open a browser to this URL?";
    my $session = $entity->GetSession(); 
    return $result;

VBScript examples

Function Defect_Open_Url(param)
  ' param As Variant
  ' record type name is Defect
    REM add your hook code here
	Dim url
	Dim message
	set session = GetSession
	url = ""
	message = "Do you want to open a browser to this URL?"
End Function