Applying packages

Packages add new functions to a schema or integrate schemas with other software packages. You can use the Package Wizard to apply packages.

Before you begin

Note that if you are working in a MultiSite environment, you must always apply packages from the same site.


To apply a package by using the Package Wizard:

  1. In the Rational® ClearQuest® Schema Repository Explorer, right-click on the schema version to which you want to apply the package and click Packages > Apply Package. The Package Wizard opens and lists all available package versions.
  2. Select a package revision to apply.

    The Designer determines whether the selected package can be applied to the schema without affecting the schema components.

    • If it can, click Finish. The Designer will attempt to apply the package to the schema and you will see a success or failure message on completion.
    • If it cannot, click Next and continue to the next step.
  3. The Apply Package to Record Types page of the wizard lists the record types in your schema that the package can enable or modify, for example, by adding fields, actions, or a script. Select the record types that you want the package to enable. Click Finish or Next:
    • To skip this step without selecting any boxes, click Finish or Next.
    • To enable the record types in the Package Wizard later, click Packages > Setup Record Types for Packages. For more information, see Enabling record types.
  4. When you add a package that uses state types, the Setup State Types page opens. For each of the records that you have applied the package to, select the appropriate state type for each of that record's states. Click Finish or Next.

    On this page of the wizard, you must assign state types to the states for each record type that you choose to enable. For each state in the package, click the State Type field and select the appropriate state type from the existing schema that should be mapped to this state. You must map each of your existing states to a state type in that package. You can map more than one state to a state type, but each state type requires at least one state. When you are finished, click Finish.

    To skip this step, click Finish. You can set the state types later by clicking Packages > Setup State Types. For more information, see Mapping state types.