Performing user administration

You can perform user administration and update the database from Rational® ClearQuest® Designer. You can use either the User administration window in Rational ClearQuest Designer, or the API, to create new user accounts and groups and manipulate the attributes of existing accounts. When you use the API, new objects you create are automatically updated in the schema repository, but they are not updated in any associated user databases until you specifically call the UpgradeMasterUserInfo method of the corresponding Database object.

To create a new account, call the CreateUser method. This method returns a new User object, which you can fill in with the user's account information, including the user's name, phone number, e-mail address, and access privileges. You can also subscribe the user to one or more databases.

In order to:

Note: You cannot remove User or Group objects from the schema repository. After you create these objects, they remain permanently.