User AuthenticationMode
- SetCQAuthentication(new_password);
Sets the user account AuthenticationMode to CQ_AUTHENTICATION which uses the traditional Rational® ClearQuest® type of user authentication.
- SetLDAPAuthentication(LDAP_login_name);
Sets the user account AuthenticationMode to LDAP_AUTHENTICATION which authenticates against an LDAP server. The schema repository must be configured for LDAP authentication.
- GetAuthenticationMode( );
Returns the current AuthenticationMode of the user.
Setting the AuthenticationMode for a user impacts the passwords for that ClearQuest user account.
See SetCQAuthentication and SetLDAPAuthentication.
In version 2003.06.14, new methods were implemented for retrieving a user login name that support Rational ClearQuest user names and LDAP login names. See New methods for retrieving user login information.