Mandatory fields for ALM record types
The following table lists the required fields for each ALM record type, in the order in which the record types must be created for a Rational® ClearQuest® ALM Project.
Record type | Mandatory fields |
ALMAdmin | Label, Members |
ALMResolutionCodeLabel | Name |
ALMResolutionCode | ALMRecordType, ResolutionCodeLabel |
ALMReleaseLabel | Name |
ALMRoleLabel | Name and ApprovedActions |
ALMCategoryTypeLabel | Name |
ALMStatusLabel | Name |
ALMTypeLabel | Name |
ALMIterationLabel | Name |
ALMPhaseLabel | Name |
ALMType | ALMRecordType, TypeIndicator, and TypeLabel |
ALMSecurityPolicy | Name, ratl_context_groups |
ALMCategory | Name, CategoryTypeLabel, SecurityPolicy |
ALMProject | SecurityPolicy, Category, and Owner. Name and Release are optional fields that can help identify project uniqueness. These fields are mandatory if a project already exists with blank or non-unique Name and Release values. You can also specify values for SuperProject and PriorProject if they exist and are relevant to your new project. |
ALMPhase | Project, PhaseLabel, SecurityPolicy |
ALMIteration | Project, PhaseLabel, IterationLabel, Phase, PriorIteration, SecurityPolicy |
ALMRole | Project, SecurityPolicy, RoleLabel, Members or Groups, Primary, and ApprovedActions. |
ALMWorkConfiguration | Project, SecurityPolicy, ALMRecordType, ALMTypeLabel, and Roles. The Primary Children Configs and Secondary Children Configs are optional fields. The Primary field is used to choose the default owner on the ALMTask and ALMActivities, and it is also used to select the mastership site of these records. |
ALMRequest | Owner, Headline, SecurityPolicy, Project, Type, Severity. |
ALMTask | Request, Owner, Headline, SecurityPolicy, Project, OldID,Priority, Type, Roles. |
ALMActivity | Headline, Type, SecurityPolicy, Task, Roles. |
ALMBaseline | PVOB_OrLocation, Owner, Name, SecurityPolicy, Project. |
BTBuild | Build_System_ID, ALMProject, ALMBuildType, ALMBuildStatus, ALMBaseline, ALMRoles, ALMSecurityPolicy, ALMOwner. |
ALMComment | No fields are mandatory. |