Creating a build record

About this task

In your role as release engineer, you create build records to record the status of builds based on specific baselines.


  1. In the Rational® ClearQuest® client, click File > New > Build.
  2. Enter a name for the Build record in the Build field. Click Add next to the Project field. Either enter a keyword and click Search or click Browse and navigate to a query to run to return a list of projects. Select the project associated with this build and click OK. Click Add next to the Baseline(s) field. Either enter a keyword and click Search or click Browse and navigate to an appropriate query in the Public Queries > ALM folder (such as Manual RE Build Create) to run to return a list of baselines. Select the baseline included in this build and click OK.
  3. Click the Results tab. Select an entry in the Build Status field to indicate whether the build was successful.
  4. Click OK.