Creating baselines

About this task

In your role as release engineer, you create baselines frequently to capture the latest completed activities. You can then create and test builds based on those baselines. For example:


  1. In the DevOps Code ClearCase® client, click File > New > ALMBaseline.
  2. Enter a name for the baseline in the Baseline field. Enter the location of the source that will be used to perform a build. Click Add next to the Project field. Either enter a keyword and click Search or click Browse and navigate to a query to run to return a list of projects. Select the project associated with this baseline and click OK.
  3. Click the Activities tab. Click Add. Either enter a keyword and click Search or click Browse and navigate to a query to run to return a list of activities. (For example, a query could be constructed to retrieve all activities that have been completed since the last baseline was created.) Select one or more activities to include in the baseline and click OK.
  4. Click OK.