Enabling Rational ClearQuest core error and message logging

This topic describes how to enable error and message logging in Rational® ClearQuest® core.

About this task

To enable error and message logging in ClearQuest core, perform the tasks appropriate for your operating system.
On Windows:
  1. In the properties file tslogger.properties, which is located in the directory install-dir\Rational\ClearQuest\config\log\cqcore\\config\log\cqcore\, set logger.dc.logging=on (the default setting).
  2. Perform one of the following tasks:
    • Set the environment variable CQ_CORE_LOGGING to the value on.
    • Set the Windows Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Rational Software\ClearQuest\log\cqcore\logging to the value ON (the default setting).
      Attention: If both the environment variable and Registry key values are defined, the environment variable setting overrides the Registry key setting.
On the UNIX system and Linux:
  1. In the properties file tslogger.properties, which is located in the directory /opt/rational/clearquest/config/log/cqcore, set logger.dc.logging=on (the default setting).
  2. Set the environment variable CQ_CORE_LOGGING to the value on.
    Attention: If logger.dc.logging=on and the environment variable is not defined, logging is enabled.