Licensing for DevOps Code ClearCase and DevOps Code ClearCase MultiSite

Both Rational Common Licensing and ClearCase® Atria licensing are supported for use with DevOps Code ClearCase .

You can use either Rational Common Licensing (powered by FLEXlm software) or ClearCase Atria licensing. During installation, you can only choose one: Rational Common Licensing or ClearCase Atria licensing. You can dynamically switch license modes after installation.

The benefit of using Rational Common Licensing is that you can have a single DevOps License Key Server manage your DevOps Code ClearCase, IBM® Rational® ClearQuest®, and other IBM DevOps product license keys using Rational Common Licensing.

IBM DevOps License Key Center shows two types of license keys for IBM DevOps Code ClearCase: "classic" DevOps Code ClearCase keys and DevOps Code ClearCase keys based on FLEXlm software. The term "classic" DevOps Code ClearCase license keys refers to the ClearCase Atria licensing.

Note: IBM DevOps Code ClearCase MultiSite requires both a IBM DevOps Code ClearCase license key and a DevOps Code ClearCase MultiSite license key. This licensing model is similar to IBM Rational ClearQuest MultiSite, as explained in Using Rational ClearQuest MultiSite license keys.