Configuring Rational ClearQuest databases for container authentication

Set the password that is required to enable Rational® ClearQuest® database container authentication.

About this task

You must complete the following steps for each schema repository that you configure for container authentication.

The following variables are used in path names:
Name of your schema repository.
Login name of the Rational ClearQuest administrative user. This user must have Super User privileges and must be designated for Rational ClearQuest authentication.
Password for the Rational ClearQuest administrative user.


  1. Run the installutil setssoclientpassword subcommand in a command prompt window to set the password that is required to enable container authentication:

    installutil setssoclientpassword schemaRepositoryName adminUserName adminPassword

  2. When prompted, enter a password with a minimum of 30 characters to enable container authentication for the associated Rational ClearQuest databases. If there are embedded spaces in the password, then you must enclose the password in quotation marks. Expected result: Exit code 0 displays.
    Important: Record this password because you need it later.
  3. Run the installutil getssosettings subcommand to check whether the schema repository is enabled for web container authentication:

    installutil getssosettings schemaRepositoryName adminUserName adminPassword

    TRUE is returned if the schema repository is enabled for web container authentication. Otherwise, FALSE is returned.

  4. If the schema repository is not enabled for web container authentication, run the installutil enablessologin subcommand to enable it:

    installutil enablessologin schemaRepositoryName adminUserName adminPassword