Monitoring the Rational ClearQuest RPC servers

In addition to monitoring the Rational® ClearQuest® RPC servers by using the Site Monitoring page of the Site Configuration window, you can validate the startup and functioning of the RPC servers by viewing the Rational ClearQuest Web log files and by using a command-prompt window.

About this task

The following variable is used in this topic:
Directory where Rational ClearQuest is installed


  1. View the Rational ClearQuest Web log files to validate whether the Rational ClearQuest RPC server process, cqrpc, is running.
  2. You can also verify whether the Rational ClearQuest RPC servers are functioning from the command-prompt window:
    1. Open a command window and navigate to the following directory:
      cd clearquestHome\cqweb\bin
      UNIX Linux
      cd clearquestHome/cqweb/bin
    2. Enter the following command:
      UNIX Linux

      Each command returns a port number and process ID (PID) if the server is running.