Configuring administrative security

WebSphere® Application Server security settings that you configure for Rational® ClearQuest® Web are disabled until you enable WebSphere administrative security.

About this task

You can use the IBM® WebSphere Application Server administrative console to enable administrative security if you did not enable it during profile creation.

The following variables are used in path names:
WebSphere Application Server version number
WebSphere Application Server profile name
Fully qualified server name of the WebSphere Application Server
Nonsecure administrative console port number


  1. Start the WebSphere Application Server administrative console.
    Use either of the following methods:
    • Click Start > Programs > IBM WebSphere > Application Server version > Profiles > profileName > Administrative console.
    • Enter the following URL in a web browser window:


    UNIX Linux
    Enter the following URL in a browser window:


  2. Click Security > Global Security.
  3. Click Security Configuration wizard.
  4. Enable WebSphere Application Server security (V8.0, V8.5).

    For more information about using the administrative console, see the IBM WebSphere Application Server Information Center (V8.0, V8.5).