Exporting MBean configuration settings

Export the Rational® ClearQuest® Web MBean configuration before you modify the MBean attributes. This practice is important in case you make MBean configuration changes that produce undesirable results and you must roll back to a known working configuration.

Before you begin

The Rational ClearQuest Web server components must be running to export the MBean configuration settings.

About this task

The following variables are used in path names:
Directory where Rational ClearQuest is installed
Directory where your Rational ClearQuest Web server profile is installed


  1. In a command prompt window, set the default directory to the location of the Rational ClearQuest Web server support scripts for the wsadmin tool. For example:
    cd "ClearQuestHome\cqweb\scripts"
    UNIX Linux
    cd ClearQuestHome/cqweb/scripts
  2. Set the WAS_BIN variable to the location of the wsadmin tool by using the syntax appropriate for your shell. For example:
    set WAS_BIN="CQWebWASprofileHome\bin"
    UNIX Linux
  3. Start the wsadmin tool by specifying the Rational ClearQuest Web server profile name. The default profile name is cqwebprofile. For example:
    %WAS_BIN%\wsadmin -profileName cqwebprofile
    UNIX Linux
    $WAS_BIN/wsadmin.sh -profileName cqwebprofile
  4. Load the Rational ClearQuest Web server Jacl support scripts, which include the exportToFile and importFile commands, into your wsadmin command shell:

    wsadmin> source teamAdminUtils.jacl

  5. Export the MBean configuration to a file that is outside the Rational ClearQuest Web server installation directory. For example:
    wsadmin> exportToFile C:/temp/cqwebserver_backups/MBean.bck
    UNIX Linux
    wsadmin> exportToFile /tmp/cqwebserver_backups/MBean.bck
    Important: When you run a Jacl script from the wsadmin command shell on Windows, you can use forward slashes "/" in a path specification that you pass to the script. Alternatively, if you choose to use backslashes "\", you must escape each backslash character with an extra backslash.

    You can specify the same path specification and file name each time you run the exportToFile command. The exportToFile command detects when the file name exists in the directory and creates a new version by appending the date and time to the file name.

What to do next

You can automate the procedure of periodically backing up the MBean configuration by creating an AT job on Windows or a cron job on the UNIX system or Linux. For information about using the WebSphere® administrative scripting program, wsadmin, see the WebSphere Application Server Information Center.