Email Options page

Use the Email Options page of the Site Configuration window to configure email options for the Rational® ClearQuest® Web application.

Table 1 describes the controls on the Email Options page.

Important: Starting in Rational ClearQuest, the Rational ClearQuest Email 1.x package and MAPI support are deprecated. For enhanced email support, use the Rational ClearQuest EmailPlus 2.1 package. For more information, see EmailPlus package.
Important: If you are using the Rational ClearQuest EmailPlus package, then you do not need to configure the Email Options page.
Important: If your environment includes multiple server hosts and you want to configure the Rational ClearQuest Web application to use a supported email transport protocol, then you cannot configure the servers by using the Email Options page. Instead, you must configure each server host separately. See the help topic appropriate for your configuration:
Table 1. Controls on the Email Options page
Control Description Default value
Mail Transport Type The email transport type. SMTP
Sending Email Status Specifies whether sending email for the Rational ClearQuest Web application is active or inactive. Inactive
MAPI Mail Server The name of the MAPI mail server. none
MAPI Mailbox Alias The domain email account that the Rational ClearQuest Web application uses to send email notification. none
SMTP Host The name of the SMTP mail server. none
Reply To The email address of a dedicated email account that the Rational ClearQuest Web application uses as the Reply To address in notification messages. For example: SomeGenericReturnAddress@MyDomain none
Sender Real Name A user name to associate with the Reply To email address. none