Application Options page

Use the Application Options page of the Site Configuration window to configure application options for Rational® ClearQuest® Web.
The following variables are used in path names:
Directory where Rational ClearQuest is installed.
File name corresponding to your customized Rational ClearQuest Web home page.

Table 1 describes the controls on the Application Options page.

The changes take effect immediately and affect the entire Rational ClearQuest Web application site.

Table 1. Controls on the Application Options page
Control Description Default value
Export Grid Delimiter Character that is used to delimit each record in the result set when you export the query results to a file. |
Result Set Column Width Maximum number of characters that display in a column in the result set.
Important: Changing this setting affects the entire Rational ClearQuest website and can affect performance. The Rational ClearQuest Web application is optimized to request the minimum amount of data. If a query includes a long description field, only the number of characters that are specified by this option display.
Maximum Multi-Record Update Page Size Maximum number of records that display on the result-set page for a multirecord update. This value represents the total number of records that the multirecord update runs on.
Important: Setting a large value for this option can affect Rational ClearQuest Web server performance and availability.
  • If this value is greater than 100, you can perform a multirecord update on query-result-set pages larger than the standard result-set page.
  • If this value is less than 100, the multirecord update might be limited to a smaller page size than the result-set page size that is configured in the web client user preferences.
  • If this value is 0, the multirecord update feature is disabled.
Load Initial Record from Result Set If selected, the query result set is written to a separate page, and the first record in the result set displays on a new page.

If cleared, the result set displays on a new page.

Disable REST URI Menu If selected, the New REST URI wizard is available to web client users by clicking New Defect > New REST URI on the toolbar. Use the New REST URI wizard to create Representational State Transfer (REST) Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) to log on to the user database and perform common tasks.

If cleared, the New REST URI wizard is not available to web client users.

Important: Starting in Rational ClearQuest V8.0, support for the Rational ClearQuest V7.1 REST API for XML/Atom is deprecated. The Rational ClearQuest OSLC CM REST API, introduced in V7.1.2.2 and providing the same programmatic access to Rational ClearQuest data, is the replacement. For more information about the Rational ClearQuest OSLC CM REST API, see Programming with the Rational ClearQuest OSLC CM REST API.
Disable Find New Items at Startup Disables to find new items at startup. Unchecked
Enable Configurations support for OSLC Enables configurations support for OSLC. Unchecked
Show Mandatory Fields Once in Custom Record View Shows the mandatory fields in the custom record view. Unchecked
Enable Diagnostics Set the logging level for the Rational ClearQuest Web application.
Important: Performance degradation can occur when this option is set to full diagnostics logging. Set this control to full only for short periods of time while you are troubleshooting issues. Be sure to restore logging to the original setting when such detail is no longer needed.
Home Page Web address of your customized HTML home page. Use the address format appropriate for your operating system.
  • Windows
  • UNIX Linux
    Important: Solaris If Rational ClearQuest is installed on Solaris, the default WebSphere® Application Server cell directory is srvNode01Cell. Use this value in place of dfltCell, which is the default directory on Windows, UNIX, and Linux platforms.
  • Windows UNIX Linux
    Alternatively, you can specify your customized home page as a relative web address. Here are several examples:




    Important: In your customized home page, you must specify any links to image or HTML files relative to the virtual folder cqweb. Here are several examples:
    <img src=/cqweb/yourCompanyFolder/yourCompanyLogo.jpeg>
    <a href=/cqweb/anotherPage.html>
    <a href=/cqweb/yourCompanyFolder/anotherPage.html>
Allow Inline Create Groups Allows to create inline groups. Everyone
Allow Inline Editing Groups Allows inline editing of the groups. Everyone
Allow Tree View Groups Allows a tree view of the groups. Everyone
Allow MultiRecord Update Groups Allows multi record update of the groups. Everyone
SQL Visible To Groups Makes SQL visible to the groups. Everyone
Allow Form Selection Groups Allows Form Selection. None
Allow Dynamic Forms Groups Allows dynamic forms for the groups. None
View Record Reveal Existence Groups Allows record reveal for the groups. None