Creating a query by using the Query wizard

You can use the Query wizard to guide you in selecting the fields to use in your result-set display and the fields and corresponding values to use as query filters.

About this task

To create a query by using the Query wizard:


  1. Ensure that Query > Use Query Wizard is selected.
  2. Click Query > New Query. The Query wizard opens.
  3. In the Choose Record Type window, select a record type and click OK. The first page of the Query wizard opens.
  4. In the first page of the Rational® ClearQuest® Query wizard, select a method for creating the query.
    • To use an existing query as a template, click Browse and then Yes. In the resulting Select Query window, navigate the workspace, select a query, and click OK. Then click Next.

      If you are inexperienced in creating queries, start with a query that you know works.

    • To create a new, blank query, click Next.
  5. Define how the query displays by selecting result-set display fields. See Selecting the result-set display fields by using the Query wizard
  6. Select the query filters. See Selecting filters by using the Query wizard
  7. Define the query filters. See Defining filters and operators by using the Query wizard
  8. Save and run the query. See Saving a query