Configuring your client to send email notification

You can configure the Rational® ClearQuest® for Windows client to send email notification each time you modify or submit a record.

Before you begin

If you are using MAPI protocol, you must have Collaboration Data Objects installed on your computer. Check with your administrator before you configure the MAPI protocol. There may be restrictions in your environment. For more information, see the IBM Rational ClearQuest and ClearQuest MultiSite Release Notes.

About this task

To change the email address or enable email notification:

Attention: Rational ClearQuest Email 1.x and MAPI support have been deprecated. For enhanced email support, use the EmailPlus 2.1 package. For more information, see EmailPlus package.


  1. Start the E-Mail Options Wizard by clicking View > E-Mail Options.
  2. In the Choose E-Mail Provider window, select the Enable E-Mail notification check box.
  3. In the E-Mail Provider list, select MAPI or SMTP. Then click Next.
  4. If you select SMTP, the Configure Mail Server window opens.
    1. In the Outgoing SMTP Server field, enter the SMTP host address of your email server. If you do not know this address, ask your Rational ClearQuest or network administrator.
    2. In the Your E-Mail Address field, type the email address to use to send notification when you modify Rational ClearQuest records. For example, this can be your email address or a generic email address of a group to which you belong. The email address must be a valid RFC-822 address. For additional information, ask your Rational ClearQuest or network administrator.
    3. Click Finish .
  5. If you select MAPI, the Choose Profile window opens.
    1. In the MAPI Profile list, select a profile. Any existing profiles are displayed. If you have email configured on your computer, a profile should already exist. If there are no list choices, contact your Rational ClearQuest or network administrator.
    2. Click Finish.
    To Create a Microsoft Outlook user profile:
    1. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel .
    2. Double-click Mail .
    3. On the Services page, click Show Profiles.
    4. On the Services page, click Show Profiles.
    5. On the General page, click Add. Then follow the instructions in the Microsoft Outlook Setup Wizard.