Editing queries

You can modify the filters and display fields of a query.

About this task

You can edit a query by using the pop-up menu associated with the query in the Rational® ClearQuest® Navigator or while viewing the query results.

To edit a query:


  1. In the Rational ClearQuest Navigator, right-click on the query to display the pop-up menu and click Edit.

    The Query page opens in edit mode and a pencil is shown next to the query name on the tab.

  2. Edit the fields, filters, and the presentation layout for the query by following the instructions in Adding filters and defining their properties.
  3. To save your changes, click Save.
    • Optional: If you are editing an existing query and want to save your changes under a different query name, click the arrow next to Save to display the list and click Save As. The Save Query As window opens. Type a query name and select a folder in which to save the query or create a new folder. The name under which you saved the query appears at the top of the page.

    The page is refreshed and a save confirmation message appears.

What to do next

Note: You can also rename a query. Right-click on the query to display the pop-up menu, click Rename, and type the new name.