About user and group privileges

Access to Rational® ClearQuest® Web features can be regulated. Rational ClearQuest Web supports some of the capabilities of Rational ClearQuest for Windows for enforcing user and group privileges.

The following table lists the privileges supported in Rational ClearQuest Web and the associated operations that users and groups with these privileges can perform. Someone with the Super User privilege sets these privileges using the User Administration window in Rational ClearQuest Designer.

Privilege Operations allowed
Super User
  • All operations available in Rational ClearQuest Web.
  • Manage Site Configuration.
Public Folder Administrator
  • All operations available to an Active User.
  • Create, copy, rename, move, edit, and delete folders, reports, and queries in Public Folders.
  • Copy, rename, move, and delete charts in Public Folders.
Active User
  • All operations available in Rational ClearQuest Web except access to Site Configuration and modification of folders, charts, queries, and reports in Public Folders.

In addition, someone with the Super User privilege can use the Security Options page of the Rational ClearQuest Web Site Configuration interface to narrow the responsibility of a user or user group by restricting the actions they can perform. Users and groups that operate in restricted mode have access to at most four operations: create record, find record, modify record, and run restricted query. For details, see the administrator's help for Rational ClearQuest Web.

Restricted user and group actions on state-based records

Rational ClearQuest Web applies access controls on state-based records depending on user or group privileges and the actions defined for these record types in the Designer. By default, all Rational ClearQuest Web users can perform all actions on records. When the responsibilities of a user or group is narrowed by restricting the actions that they can perform on record types, Rational ClearQuest Web makes available only those actions that a user or group has privilege to perform.