Setting email notification options

To receive and send Rational® ClearQuest® email notification, you must configure your client software.

About this task

To receive email notification when a record that meets the criteria defined in an email rule is created or modified, you must enable your client to receive email. Do this by specifying your email address in your user profile. To edit your user profile, click Tools > Administration > Change User Profile and select the connection. Email notification options are stored on your local system and are shared by all your connections.


You must also configure your client to send email notification about record changes that you make:

  1. Click Tools > E-mail Options.
  2. On the E-Mail Provider page of the Change Email Options wizard:
    1. Select Enable E-Mail notification.
    2. From the E-Mail Provider list, select SMTP or MAPI.
      Note: MAPI is only available on Windows.
      Attention: Rational ClearQuest Email 1.x and MAPI support have been deprecated. For enhanced email support, use the EmailPlus 2.1 package. For more information, see Packages.
  3. Click Next.
  4. If you selected SMTP, the Configure SMTP Mail Server page opens:
    1. In the Outgoing SMTP Server field, type the SMTP host address of your email server. If you do not know the address, ask your network administrator.
    2. In the Your E-Mail Address field, type the email address where you want to receive email notification. This can be your personal email address or the address of a group to which you belong.
  5. If you selected MAPI, the Configure MAPI Server page opens. Type the name of your MAPI Profile. If you do not know the profile name, ask your network administrator.
  6. Click Finish.