Setting ClearQuest preferences

You can set ClearQuest® preferences in the Preferences window.


To set ClearQuest preferences:

  1. Click Window > Preferences.
  2. In the Preferences window, select and expand the ClearQuest node.

    The preferences are described in the following table.

    Table 1. ClearQuest preferences
    Preference Description Default
    on the ClearQuest page

    Activate Console on new event

    If selected, the Console view is the active view every time the ClearQuest software issues a message.

    Not selected

    Show successful messages in an informational dialog

    If selected, success messages appear in a new window.

    If not selected, only error messages appear in a new window.

    Not selected

    Show successful messages in the Console

    If selected, success and error messages appear in the Console view.

    If not selected, only error messages appear in the Console view.


    Enable verbose messages

    If selected, messages appear after every successful action.

    Not selected

    Turn on warning message about losing uncommitted data If selected, before you exit a ClearQuest session, a warning message appears for each new or modified workspace item that you have not saved.


    Save ClearQuest Navigator folder hierarchy between sessions If selected, the folder hierarchy expansion in the Navigator view is saved across ClearQuest sessions.
    Note: Selecting this preference can impact ClearQuest performance.


    Enable multiple Query Results views

    If selected, each time you run a new query, the results appear in a new Query Results view, resulting in multiple Query Results views in the ClearQuest perspective.


    on the Advanced page
    Hide Record Template area on record submit form If selected, the template section of the record form is not visible when you create records. Not selected
    Number of records per page in Query Results view Maximum number of records displayed in the Query Results view. If a result set exceeds the threshold, an informational message appears. Default value of 100
    Query Results Column Width Column width of the query results in the Query Results view. Default value of 80
    Chart and Report Preferences Specify the HTML version for the report output format. Additional report and charting preferences are available on the Rational® ClearQuest > Reporting preferences menu. Default values:

    HTML 3.2
    HTML 4.0

    Default export directory When you export data, exported files are saved to this directory by default. Default value: C:\DOCUME~1\machinename\LOCALS~1\Temp\