Using BIRT v4.6

You can use the Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools (BIRT) Report Designer v4.6 to design data-pull reports for Rational® ClearQuest® data sources.

About this task

To use BIRT 4.6 with Rational ClearQuest, you must first install the following:

  • Rational ClearQuest
  • IBM WebSphere Application Server (WAS) with IBM Java 8. Use 32-bit JRE for JNI and CM data source support or use 64-bit JRE for CM-only data source support.
    Note: Java 8 is most easily deployed using WAS
  • Eclipse IDE for Java and Report Developers Neon-3 (for Design) (x86_32)
  • BIRT Report Engine 4.6 (for Runtime)
  • IBM JRE 1.8 (x86_32) (part of Rational ClearQuest)

Configuring Eclipse IDE for Java and Report Developers with BIRT v4.6


  1. Download and un-ZIP Eclipse IDE for Java and Report Developers Neon-3 (x86_32)
  2. In the un-zipped directory, locate the file “eclipse.ini" and add the following lines to the start of the file:

    For example:

  3. Copy the Rational ClearQuest Reporting Driver to the Eclipse “dropins" directory.

    Copy all JAR files from: <CQ_Home>\reports\driver\plugins\ to the Eclipse “dropins�? directory: <Eclipse-IDE>\dropins\, where “<Eclipse-IDE>" is the location where you un-zipped Eclipse IDE for Java and Report Developers Neon-3.

  4. If you already have a “workspace" that was created using BIRT Report Designer RCP 3.x and you want to use it with Eclipse IDE for Java and Report Developers Neon-3, then make a copy of the “workspace" to a new location such as “workspace-birt-4.6". Otherwise, create a new workspace name.
  5. Start Eclipse IDE for Java and Report Developers Neon-3 and point it to the copied workspace of “workspace-birt-4.6".
  6. In Eclipse, click on the Open Perspective icon and select the Report Designer perspective, or click Window menu > Perspective > Report Designer.
  7. Optional: You may wish to create a new Reporting Project to store your files. For example, File > New > ... > Project > Business Intelligent Reporting Tools > Report Project , name it and click on Finish.
    Note: It may be useful to put the “location" within the root of the Report Launcher reporting directory specified in the file. To start with a fresh report, click New > Report within your project’s context.
  8. To preview reports, click Run > View Report > In Web Viewer.
    Note: If you have any errors, adjust your default browser preferences within Windows > Preferences > General > Web Browser.

    Configuring Report Launcher with BIRT Runtime

  9. Download and un-ZIP BIRT Report Engine 4.6
  10. If a BIRT runtime is already deployed for use with Report Launcher in your Rational ClearQuest CM Server, you must un- deploy the application runtime from the WAS profile first using the WebSphereAdministrative Console at either: http://yourserver:12060/ibm/console or https://yourserver:12043/ibm/console.
    • Login and select Navigate to Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications.
    • Check the box to the left of the BIRT runtime to be removed.
    • Click on Uninstall and confirm your action. Save the change to the Master Configuration.
    • Stop and then start the WAS profile to apply the change.
  11. Re-deploying
    • Un-ZIP your BIRT runtime into a directory, and copy the birt.war into the this path:
    • Rename to birt46.war if you wish.
  12. In a command shell, with administrative privilege,navigate to the directory
    • Execute the following command:
      deployBIRT.[sh | bat] birt.war 
      For example,
      [Windows]	deployBIRT.bat birt.war 
      [Linux] birt.war
    If you are using WAS Administrative Security, respond to the prompts for username and password. If your WAS profile is installed in a non-defaultpath, adjust this line of the deployBIRT.* file to:
    set WAS_PROFILE_PATH=%CLEARQUEST_HOME%\cqweb\cqwebprofile
  13. Test BIRT runtime http://localhost:12080/birt/.

    Verify that the test report works. It will say v4.5, even if you have installed 4.6. This is a known BIRT defect. For more details, refer to the Verifying the BIRT deployment topic to verify the BIRT deployment and check the installed version.

  14. When executingreports, remember to click “setcredentials" within Report Launcher.
    Note: For more information about BIRT and how to download it, refer to: