Upgrading schemas to new versions of packages

If you have applied a package to a schema, you can upgrade the schema to a newer version of the package when it is available.


To upgrade a schema to a new version of a package:

  1. Start the Designer.
  2. In the ClearQuest® Schema Repository Explorer view, right-click the schema version for which you want to upgrade packages and click Packages > Upgrade Installed Packages. The Package Wizard opens and lists all available package versions.
  3. Click Package > Upgrade Installed Packages. If there are packages to upgrade, the Package Upgrade Plan window opens and displays the available packages. Otherwise, you will see a message that there are no packages to upgrade.
  4. Select the schema to upgrade in the Package Upgrade Plan window.

    ClearQuest software checks out the schema, identifies the packages to upgrade, and determines whether the packages have prerequisites.

    The Status page lists the packages that need to be upgraded and the newest version of each package that is compatible with the ClearQuest data code page of the schema repository. For schema repositories with data code pages 932 or 60932 (Japanese) or 936 (Simplified Chinese), the latest translated version is displayed. For the data code page 65001 (UTF-8), the latest versions of English, Japanese, and Chinese are displayed. For other data code pages, the latest English version is displayed.

    There are three scenarios for upgrading installed packages for the data code page 65001 (UTF-8):
    • If the upgrade packages include English and Japanese versions, all the packages are upgraded to the latest Japanese version.
    • If the upgrade packages include English and Chinese versions, all the packages are upgraded to the latest Chinese version.
    • If the upgrade packages include Chinese and Japanese versions, ClearQuest prevents the package upgrade, displaying the following error message:
      Error:  There are 2 different non-ASCII code page packages existing in the current schema.
                          ClearQuest doesn't support the automatic upgrade of schemas in which more than one non-ASCII code page package is installed.
    The following package upgrade policies apply for the data code page 65001 (UTF-8):
    • English, Chinese, and Japanese packages can be applied to the same schema, but for a given package, you can only apply one translated version. For example, if you apply Rational® ClearQuest OSLCLinks package version 1.1, then you cannot apply Rational ClearQuest OSLCLinks version 1.2.
    • An English package can be upgraded to a higher version in English, Japanese, or Chinese.
    • A Japanese package can be upgraded to a higher Japanese version, but cannot be upgraded to a higher English or Chinese version.
    • A Chinese package can be upgraded to a higher Chinese version, but cannot be upgraded to a higher English or Japanese version.

    Packages are applied to the schema in the correct order and the status of each is displayed.

  5. When the upgrade process is finished, verify that the status message indicates success.
  6. Validate your changes and check in the schema when you finish testing.


After the new schema version is checked in, upgrade any user databases that use an earlier schema version.

You can repeat this process for the other schemas. Verify that the new package versions are applied by following the procedure Checking which packages have been applied to a schema.