Undoing schema checkouts

You can return a schema to its previous version, even after you have saved your changes. Undoing, or canceling, a schema checkout reverts the schema to the last checked-in version, removing all changes made since the schema was checked out, even if they were made and saved over multiple editing sessions.


To undo a schema checkout:

  1. Start the Designer.
  2. In the Schema Repository Explorer view, right-click the checked-out schema and click Revision Control > Undo Checkout. A message appears to remind you that all of your changes will be lost.
  3. Click OK to continue and undo the checkout, or click Cancel.


If you test your changes to the schema by running a test configuration, your test database is updated to this new schema version. If you then decide to undo the schema checkout, you must delete the test database first. You must then create a new test database.