Specifying action controls for e-mail rules

You can base an e-mail rule on the actions, action types, or states.

About this task

Specifications made on the Action Controls tab are affected by the And/Or operator.


To specify action controls:

  1. Start the Designer.
  2. In the Workspace, expand the Record Types folder or the Record Types - Stateless folder, and then expand the appropriate record type.
  3. For state-based record types, expand States and Actions, and double-click Actions.
  4. For Actions, select the action to be the basis of the e-mail rule. For example, to have an e-mail message sent when an action is assigned, select Assigned.
    • You can also base an e-mail rule on Action Type (one of the common actions predefined by the Designer in the Actions grid). For example, select Submit to have an e-mail message sent whenever a record is submitted.
    • You can also specify the Source States and Destination State on which to base the e-mail rule.