Importing forms

You can import a form into a record type and the fields associated with the form are mapped to the fields of the selected record type.

Before you begin

Note that when you import a record form, the form type is not set by default. You must specify a form type so that the form can be displayed in the Rational® ClearQuest® Web client.


To import a form:

  1. Start the Designer.
  2. Check out the schema to receive the imported data.
  3. Expand the Record Types or Record Types - Stateless folder.
  4. Right-click the Forms folder of the selected record type and click Import Form.
  5. In the Import Form window, select the file that contains the form, and click Finish.

What to do next

After importing the form, right-click on the new form and click Record Form or Submit Form to specify the form type. Next, reassign fields to controls, if necessary.