Specifying display fields for email rules

When you set up email notification, you can select the fields to include in the message.


To select the fields to include in an email notification message:

  1. Log on to the Rational® ClearQuest® client as a user with the schema designer or super user privilege.
  2. In the Rational ClearQuest client, click Actions > New and select the Email_Rule record type.
  3. Use the Display Fields tab of the Submit Email_Rule window.
  4. For From Address, specify the return address for the email message, for example, name@company.com.

    For this example, leave the setting as Current® User.

    The From Address field is not applicable when using the MAPI protocol.

  5. For Subject Fields, select the fields to include in the subject line of the email message, for example, Headline.
  6. For Fields to Display, select the fields to include in the body of the email message.
    • To include the previous field values, select Show Previous Values.
    • To include all fields, select Include Entire Defect. All fields of the Defect record are displayed regardless of the settings for Fields to Display.
    Attention: Rational ClearQuest Email 1.x and MAPI support have been deprecated. For enhanced email support, use the EmailPlus 2.1 package. For more information, see EmailPlus package.