Adding states to the state transition model

Before you add a state to the schema, you must add the state to a state transition model (called the state transition matrix), and then create a state transition.

About this task


To add a state to the state transition model:

  1. In the Schema Repository Explorer view, expand the Record Types folder in your schema and then double-click on a record type. The record type editor opens.
  2. Click the States tab to view the state transition matrix.
  3. Right click on the matrix and then click New State.
  4. In the Add State window, enter a name for the new state and click OK.


The new state is displayed as a source state and as a destination state in the row and column headers of the state transition matrix.

What to do next

After you create a state, you must create a state transition (that is, an action) that defines how this state is used in your state model. For more information, see To create a state transition.

You must also connect the new state to at least one other state with an action. It is a validation error to define a state that cannot be reached by any actions.

If your schema contains packages that use state types, when you add a state you must map the new state to a state type in your schema. For more information, see Mapping state types.