Defining a rule phrase on the EmailPlus Rule tab

On the EmailPlus Rule tab, you can define a rule phrase based on the values in fields or based on field values that have changed.

About this task

In the Value Criteria area, you define up to five groups of value criteria by using logical expressions to look for values that fields contain. In the Fields area, you can define a rule condition that looks for fields that have changed rather than the values that they contain.


  1. From the <Field Name Selection> list, select a field name that is associated with a record type.
  2. From the <Comparison Operator> list, select a comparison operator.
  3. From the <Comparison Value> list, select a comparison value, which is the value or list of values against which the selected <Field Name Selection> is compared by using the <Comparison Operator>.

    A <Comparison Value> is not required when using IS NULL and NOT NULL comparison operators. String values must be in double quotation marks, for example "Project A".

    Include a list of values as a comma-separated list with strings that are enclosed in double quotation marks. Enclosing strings in double quotation marks is important for values that contain spaces. For example enter "Project A", "Project B", "Project C" for a list of strings or 1, 2, 3 for a list of numbers. The <Comparison Value> can also be specified as a Perl expression that returns a value of the same type as the value specified in the <Field Name Selection> list. The expression can call a routine defined in your schema or an Rational® ClearQuest® API call. For example, to send an email if the current user is the submitter, you could use the Rational ClearQuest GetUserLoginName() API call to return the current user. You can add your own dynamic comparison values to the value criteria. For example, you could add your own function to the schema that returns date comparison values such as YESTERDAY or LAST_WEEK.

    The following table lists the operators that you can use in the value criteria. The following table lists the operators that you can use in the value criteria.
    Table 1. EmailPlusRule record supported comparison operators
    Operator Description
    = Equal
    <> Not equal
    < Less than
    <= Less than or equal
    > Greater than
    => Greater than or equal
    IN The value criteria return TRUE if the value of <Field Name Selection> is one of the values that are specified in the <Comparison Value> element. Otherwise, the value criteria return FALSE.
    NOT IN The value criteria return TRUE if the value of <Field Name Selection> value is not one of the values that is specified in <Comparison Value>. Otherwise, the value criteria return FALSE.
    LIKE The value criteria return TRUE if the value of <Field Name Selection> value contains the text that is specified in <Comparison Value>. Otherwise, the value criteria return FALSE. String comparisons are case sensitive.
    NOT LIKE The value criteria return TRUE if the value of <Field Name Selection> value does not contain the text that is specified in <Comparison Value>. Otherwise, the value criteria return FALSE.
    IS NULL The value criteria return TRUE if the value of <Field Name Selection> value is empty or has no value. Otherwise, the value criteria return FALSE. This comparison operator does not that require the <Comparison Value> contain a value.
    NOT NULL The value criteria return TRUE if the value of <Field Name Selection> contains a value. Otherwise, the value criteria return FALSE.
    When multiple value criteria conditions are specified, you can combine them by using the AND or OR logical operators.
  4. Add a phrase to the rule condition to look for fields that have changed in the Fields area. The rule condition looks for fields that have changed. A rule phrase has three parts
    1. From the <Phrase Operand> list that is outside the Fields area, select AND or OR to look for changed fields. This operand combines the fields that are specified in Fields Changed with any value criteria phrases that are defined. Even if there are no value criteria, you must select a phrase operand to edit the input fields that are associated with this rule phrase.
    2. From the <Fields Operand> list that is inside the Fields area, specify the combination of field changes to look for. You can select one of three operands:
      • Select ALL to specify that all the listed fields in <Fields Changed> must have changed for this phrase to be TRUE.
      • Select ANY to specify that at least one of the listed fields in <Fields Changed> must have changed for this phrase to be TRUE.
      • Select NONE to specify that none of the listed fields in <Fields Changed> have changed for this phrase to be TRUE.
    3. In the Fields area, click More next to the Fields Changed field.
    4. In the Editor dialog box, select the field or fields on which to base this rule phrase from the Choice List list, and then click Add To to add them to the Selections list. Repeat this step for all the other fields that you want to use. Then, click OK.