Defining a rule phrase on the Advanced Rule tab

Define a rule phrase on the Advanced Rule tab to combine a valid Perl expression with the rest of the rule conditions.

About this task

All of the other parts of the rule can be expressed as a Perl expression. The Perl expressions are available for your convenience. With Perl expressions, you can construct any expression to do these actions:
  • Call any built-in Perl function
  • Call any function that is defined in the global scripts section of your schema
  • Call any function from the Rational® ClearQuest® API for Perl, or any other object available to Perl
The expression that you create with the advanced rule is not limited to working with just the record being edited.


  1. Select the AND or OR operand.
  2. Type an expression in the Advance Rule field. The EmailPlus global scripts contain a number of useful functions.
  3. Click Validate Rule to check whether the expression will work. If the rule is valid, the string VALIDATED is displayed in the field. If the rule is invalid, the Perl expression evaluation error is displayed.