Defining a rule phrase on the Actions/States tab

On the Actions/States tab, you can define a rule phrase to check for specific changes in state or for particular actions that are being performed.

About this task

You can define a rule phrase that has action conditions, state transitions, or both.


  1. Specify action conditions for the rule phrase in the Action Conditions area.
    1. Select the AND or OR phrase operand from the list next to the Actions field to define an actions condition.
    2. Click the More push button next to the Actions field.
    3. Select the actions to include in the rule phrase. If the record is updated using one of the action that you add to the list such as Submit, Close, Open, or Assign, the rule phrase is evaluated as TRUE.
  2. Specify action types for the rule phrase in the Action Types area.
    1. Select the AND or OR phrase operand from the list next to the Action Types field to define an action type condition.
    2. Click the More push button next to the Action Type field.
    3. Select the action types to include in the rule phrase. If the record is updated using one of the action types that you add to the list such as CHANGE_STATE or MODIFY, the rule phrase is evaluated as TRUE.
  3. Specify state transitions to include in the rule phrase. The state transitions are based on the source or destination states that are associated with the record being updated. The state transitions rule phrase has this format: (<Source States><AND or OR operand><Destination States>). The whole phase that is contained in parentheses is evaluated as TRUE or FALSE. The rule can include source states, destination states, or both.
    1. Click the More push button next to the Source States field.
    2. Select the source states to include in the rule phrase. If no source states are required, leave the list blank.
    3. If the rule includes destination states, select one of the following phrase operand from the list that is between the Source States field and the Destination States field.
      Table 1.
      Phrase operand Description
      AND The source state of the record must be in the Source States list and the resultant destination state must be in the Destination States list for the complete state transitions rule phrase to be evaluated as TRUE.
      OR The source state of the record must be in the Source States list or the resultant destination state must be in the Destination States list for the complete state transitions rule phrase to be evaluated as TRUE.
    4. Click the More push button next to the Destination States field.
    5. Select the destination states to include in the rule phrase. If no destination states are required, leave the list blank.