Notifications feature configuration

The Rational® ClearQuest® Notifications feature is available in EmailPlus package 2.5 and higher and can be used in the Modern Web user interface offered by Rational ClearQuest.

To use the Notifications feature, it must be enabled and configured from the EmailPlus package. Certain schemas, including the Agile, EssentialSAFe, FullSAFe, and SolutionSAFesSchemas, come with the EmailPlus package already applied to them. The EmailPlus package includes a new Notification record type. For more information about EmailPlus records, see EmailPlus record types.

The Notifications feature is configured as part of the EmailPlus Configuration and can be found by selecting Public Queries > EmailPlusAdmin > EmailPlus Configuration. Once EmailPlus Configuration is open, there is a new Notifications tab.

The Notifications tab includes three user editable sections:
Send Emails
By default, EmailPlus is configured to send emails to users based on EmailPlus rules and subscription to a record. By unchecking this checkbox and checking the Send Notifications checkbox, you will enable the In-Application Notification feature. Instead of sending an email from the EmailPlus package, the In-Application Notification feature creates a Notification record for users that are subscribed to a record or that meet the EmailPlus rule criteria. For more information on how to work with Notifications, see the Notifications documentation.
Send Notifications
If the checkbox is selected, the Notifications feature will send In-Application Notifications. By default the box is unchecked.
Expiration Enabled: Check this checkbox to delete Notificatiosn record that expired.
Expiration Age (days): Set the number of days, 30, 60, 90, 180, or 365, as the age of Notifications that have expired to delete.
Mention Template Name Select a template from EmailPlus Templates that you configured for @ mention use. For more information about creating and configuring a Mention template and rule, see EmailPlusTemplate record type.

To create the rule, navigate to Public Queries > EmailPlusAdmin > All EmailPlus Rules. The Mention rule must have a value criteria set to include MCurrentUserMentions and the value must be set to NotNull. After the rule has been created, you can then specify the rule in the Mention Template Name field. For more information about EmailPlus Rules, see Creating EmailPlus rules

Groups who can submit Notifications/Alerts
Add groups and or users who will have the privilege to send Direct Notifications. Users outside this list cannot send Notifications.
Note: The Alert feature is not yet implemented.