EmailRelay XML customization
The Rational® ClearQuest® EmailRelay server looks for an XML file called cqemailrelay_cfg.xml that you specify in the -relaycfgdir parameter of the script . You enter this information as a command line parameter. The cqemailrelay_cfg.xml file provides the script information about which relay mode EmailRelay must start, how to communicate with the Rational ClearQuest Web server when running in PostOffice mode, or which socket to listen to for incoming EmailPlus email data, and how to communicate with your Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Email server. The cqemailrelay_cfg.xml file is generated when you run the script to configure EmailRelay. The cqemailrelay_cfg.xml file has three sections: the EmailRelay <CQDatabase> XML block, the EmailRelay <DeliveryMode> XML block, and the EmailRelay <SMTPServer> XML block.