List box control

A list box control displays a list of possible values for a particular field. The number of entries in the list change only if you run a choice-list hook. If the number of entries in the list exceeds the size of the list, a vertical scroll bar along the right edge of the control is added.

You can assign most field types to a list box control. However, any field that you assign to the control should have a choice list associated with it. For most field types, only one item from the list may be selected in the control at any given time, however, some fields can have multiple selections.

The property sheet for a list box control has three pages: General, Extended, and Context Menu Hooks.

General page

The following table lists the properties of the General page.

Field Name
Select the field to associate with the control.
Enter a label for the control. By default, the label is the name of the selected field.
The horizontal starting point of the control in pixels.
The vertical starting point of the control in pixels.
The width of the control in pixels.
The height of the control in pixels.

Extended page

The Extended page contains a check box for Auto Sort. If this check box, is selected, entries in the list portion of the list box are sorted alphabetically. If this check box is cleared, entries are listed in the order in which they were added.

Context Menu Hooks page

The Context Menu Hooks page displays the list of available record hooks and the hooks that are currently associated with this control. To associate a hook with the control, select the hook in the Available column and click Add. To dissociate a hook, select the hook in the Selected column and click Remove. Hooks associated with this control are displayed in the control pop-up menu in the Rational® ClearQuest® Client application. To run one of these hooks, the user must right-click the control and select the name of the hook.