Rational ClearQuest Requirement and Ideation schema

You can use the ClearQuest® Requirements and Ideation schema to divide larger pieces of work into smaller pieces of work. This is especially helpful if multiple team members are working on a larger feature. Everybody will be able to manage their own work while still contributing to a larger, trackable body of work.

The Rational® ClearQuest Requirements and Ideation schema is a schema that is available for download from that can integrate into ClearQuest. The Requirements and Ideation schema is tailored toward product managers and release train engineers. The schema allows users to create Projects, Releases, Work Items, and Ideas for product teams.

Rational ClearQuest users can download the Requirements and Ideation Schema from the HCL Plugins website.

Record Types

There are four record types in the Requirements Management schema.
  • Project
    • Within the Project record type, the following fields are available: Name, Description, TypeList, ReleaseType, Owner, Release.
  • Release
    • Within the Release record type, the following fields are available: Name, Description, StartDate, EndDate, ReleaseType, RecordType, Project, and Status. Subfields for Status include Ready to Ship, Under Consideration, and In Development.
  • Work Item
    • There are three types of work items: Epic, Feature, and Requirement. Reuirements nest under Features which nest under Epics.

      Within the Work Item record type, the following fields are available: State, Description, CloseBy, PlannedForRelease, Project, RecordType, ModifyBy, Owner, Tags, CloseDate, Priority, Title, ModifyDate, History, EndDate, and StartDate.

  • Idea
    • Ideation is the part of the Requirements schema that is used to capture user enhancement requests. Users can submit an Idea that may be converted to a Requirement. Converting an Idea into a Requirement is a great way to include small requests that fit under a planned feature.
    • Within the Idea record type, the following fields are available: Title, Description, State, Category, Resolution, Owner, Tags, History, Project, and CreatedDate.

Setting up the Requirements Management schema

On Windows:

  1. Create a repository and application.
    1. Create a repository based on a blank schema using the Rational ClearQuest Maintenance Tool by clicking Select Schema Repository from within the Rational ClearQuest Maintenance Tool.
    2. Click New and provide a name for the schema.
    3. Select a Database Vendor and then click Next.
    4. On the Data Code Page screen, select Next.
    5. Uncheck Create Sample DB.
    6. Sekect any schema to use and provide a database name. The default value is SAMPL.
    7. Click Next.
    8. Specify DB Vendor for user database.
    9. Click Finish.
  2. Import the Requirements Schema.
    1. Import the schema text file to the newly created repsority using the following command:
    2. Launch the command prompt with administrative privileges.
    3. Download the schema and copy to the ClearQuest installation directory.
    4. Run the following command:
      cqload importschema [-dbset dbset ] -installpackages loginID password Requirements.schema
  3. Create an application from the Requirements Schema.
    1. Launch the ClearQuest Eclipse Designer or the ClearQuest Native designer.
    2. Select the Repository that you created in step 1. Right click and then select Connect.
    3. Login to the repository with the user name and password. By default, the user name is admin and the password is left blank.
    4. Under the Root View menu, select ClearQuest Database Administration.
    5. The view sppears in one of the tiles within the Eclipse designer.
    6. Right click the view and select Create Database.
    7. Specify the logical name of the database. For example, you may use TEST or SAMPL.
    8. Select the database (Production) vendor and leave the other defaults in place and select Next.
    9. Specify the DB properties required and select Next.
    10. Leave the default values in place and select Next.
    11. In the Initial Schema Revision Screen, select Requirements and the latest version, and then select Finish.
  4. Accessing the Application
    1. Go to the ClearQuest host URL.
    2. Select the application that you created and log in.