Creating an import schema

Before you can import data into a Rational® ClearQuest® database, you must create an import schema or modify an existing schema to support the data to be imported.

To ensure that the import operation is successful, address these issues when you create the import schema:

Data types are validated as they are imported. If the records you are importing contain unsupported data types, you can map those data types to supported data types. See Supported data types.

For more information, see Rational ClearQuest schemas and Customizing a schema.

Duplicate records

If you are importing duplicate records, the import schema must have an action of the Duplicate type. It must also include a Duplicate state and the state of the record before it was changed to Duplicate.

The record form must include the controls that support viewing and modifying duplicate records. Use the Duplicate Base control to view the ID of the parent record. Use the Duplicate Dependents control to view the IDs of the duplicate records. For an example, see the Duplicates tab of the Defect record type in any predefined schema.

Original record IDs

Rational ClearQuest software assigns a new record ID to each imported record,

Your import schema must include a field for the original record ID. The original record ID is used to maintain data integrity when importing duplicate records, history, and attachments, and when updating existing records. It is also used when re-creating parent/child links. It can be used in queries to find records by using the original record ID.

If you use the Export wizard to export data from another Rational ClearQuest database, map the ID field in the import file to the original (old) record ID field.