Rational ClearQuest predefined schemas

This topic lists the predefined schemas available with Rational® ClearQuest® software.

Schema Description Packages included
ALM The Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) schema provides fields and rules to help coordinate software development activities, and supports the lifecycle management of assets and their relationships.
  • ALMProject
  • ALMWork
  • EmailPlus
Blank Contains only record types. Use Blank to create a schema from scratch. None
Common Contains fields and record types that are common to all predefined schemas. Each Rational ClearQuest schema consists of this schema and one or more packages. None
DefectTracking Contains the fields required to start using Rational ClearQuest software to track defects in a software development environment.
  • Attachments
  • Customer
  • Email
  • History
  • Notes®
  • Project
  • Resolution
Enterprise For use with DevOps EnterpriseStudio.Contains fields and hooks that work with most DevOps Suite products. This schema is enabled for UCM.
  • AMStateTypes
  • Attachments
  • BaseCMActivity
  • Email
  • EnhancementRequest
  • History
  • Notes
  • PQC
  • Repository
  • Resolution
  • UCMPolicyScripts
  • UnifiedChangeManagement
UnifiedChange Management (UCM) Provides support for integration with UCM and sets up Rational ClearQuest to use the predefined DevOps Code ClearCase® policies.
  • AMStateTypes
  • Attachments
  • BaseCMActivity
  • Email
  • EnhancementRequest
  • History
  • Notes
  • Resolution
  • UCMPolicyScripts
  • UnifiedChangeManagement