Upgrading schemas to new versions of packages

If you have applied a package to a schema, you can upgrade the schema to a newer version of the package when it is available.

About this task

To upgrade a schema to a new version of a package:


  1. Start the Designer.
  2. Click Package > Upgrade Installed Packages.
  3. In the Upgrade Installed Packages - Select a Schema to Upgrade window, select the schema to upgrade.

    Rational® ClearQuest® software checks out the schema, identifies the packages that need to be upgraded, and determines whether those packages have prerequisites.

    On the Status page, list of packages that need to be upgraded indicates the newest version of each package that is compatible with the Rational ClearQuest data code page of the schema repository. For schema repositories with data code pages 932 or 60932 (Japanese) or 936 (Simplified Chinese), the latest translated version is displayed. For other schema repositories, the latest English version is displayed.

    Packages are applied to the schema in the correct order and the status for each is displayed.
  4. When the upgrade process is finished, read the status message to verify that the package upgrade was successful.
  5. Validate your changes by clicking File > Test Work.
  6. When you finish testing, check in the schema. Click File > Check In.


After the new schema version is checked in, upgrade any user databases that use an earlier version of the schema.

You can then repeat this process for the other schemas. After you have completed this process, you can verify that the new package versions have been applied by following the procedure described in Checking which packages have been applied to a schema.