Modifying schemas

Modifying a schema comprises several tasks for ensuring your changes are validated, saved, and applied to user databases.

About this task

To modify a schema and put the modifications into effect or to create a new schema:


  1. Start the Designer.
  2. Create a test database and associate it with the schema that you want to customize.
  3. Check out the schema that you want to customize, or create a new schema.
  4. Select the scripting language to use the for hook code.
  5. Modify the schema, either by using the Designer to change elements of the schema, or by applying packages.
  6. Validate the customized schema using the Validate schema command in the Designer.
  7. Set the test database for the schema (that is, designate that the test database that you created earlier be used to test the schema that you checked out).
  8. Use the test database to test the customized schema.
  9. Save work in progress.
  10. Check in the customized schema.
  11. Upgrade the user database with the modified schema.