Enabling dependent fields for Rational ClearQuest Web

If you want to use a form with dependent fields in Rational® ClearQuest® Web client, you must enable dependent fields.

About this task

The configuration steps described in this section are performed in the Designer, not in the Rational ClearQuest Web application or server.

To update the choice list associated with the dependent field, click Recalculate Choice List when you create the choice list in the field. The contents of the list are recalculated before the list is displayed, which can degrade Web performance.

To make a form with dependent fields available in Rational ClearQuest Web:


  1. When you add the field to the record form, use one of the following form controls for the parent field and its dependent fields. You can mix and match.
    • Drop-down list box
    • Combo box
    • Drop-down combo box
    For more information, see Form controls.
  2. After adding the controls to the record form, right-click the control for the parent field and click Properties. In the property sheet for the control, use the Web Dependent Fields tab to specify the fields that depend on the respective field value.
  3. On the Web Dependent Fields tab, select the appropriate child fields from the Available list and click the arrow to add them to the Selected list. Only the parent field of the dependency must be Web enabled.