Specifying cc addresses for e-mail rules

You can specify the users and user groups to receive copies of e-mail notifications.

About this task

To receive copies of e-mail messages, all individual users and users who are members of groups must have their e-mail addresses defined as part of their user profile information. See Adding a new user.


  1. Log on to the Rational® ClearQuest® client as a user with the schema designer or super user privilege.
  2. In the Rational ClearQuest client, click Actions > New and select the Email_Rule record type.
  3. On the CC Addressing Info tab of the Submit Email_Rule window:
    1. In the CC Users field, select a specific user to receive a copy of the e-mail notification, for example, admin.
    2. In the CC Groups field, select a user group to receive a copy of the e-mail message, for example, the Triage group.
    3. In the CC Addresses (Fields) field, specify an e-mail address based on a field value.

      Unless a specific e-mail address is entered in the CC Addresses field, all users must have an e-mail address defined as part of their user profile to receive e-mail.

    4. In the CC Addresses (Text) field, enter a specific e-mail address.
    5. Optional: To send a copy of the e-mail message to yourself, select CC Actioner.
  4. Click OK to apply the e-mail rule.