Deleting fields

You can delete a field for a record type in a schema from the Fields grid.

Before you begin

Before you delete a field consider the impact to existing schemas, states, actions, hooks, and queries. You cannot delete a system field. In the Fields grid, system fields appear dimmed.

About this task

To delete a field:


  1. Start the Designer.
  2. In the Workspace, expand a record type and double-click Fields.
  3. In the Fields grid, right-click the field and select Delete Field.
  4. Delete the field from the record form. See Deleting form controls


After the field is deleted from the Fields grid, delete the field from any record forms include the field.
The following restrictions apply to deleting fields:
  • In the Rational® ClearQuest® Client, any queries that use a deleted field are no longer valid and must be edited by removing the deleted field from the query or the query must be deleted.
  • When you delete a field, the DB Column Name generated for the field (by default, the same as the field name) is retained. If you later reuse the same name to create a new field, a unique DB Column Name is generated.
  • If you explicitly refer to the name of a field in script code and then delete that field, you must also remove references to the deleted field from the script code.