Examples of pessimistic record locking hook code
You can use these sample scripts to help you enable and
manage pessimistic record locking.
Lock record script for BASE action Action_Initialization hook
sub Defect_Initialization {
my($actionname, $actiontype) = @_;
# $actionname as string scalar
# $actiontype as long scalar
# action is LockRecord
# record type name is Defect
# Do any setup for the action here.
Lock record script for RECORD_SCRIPT_ALIAS action
sub Defect_LockRecord {
my($param) = @_;
# record type name is Defect
return $result;
Unlock record script for RECORD_SCRIPT_ALIAS action
sub Defect_Unlock {
my($param) = @_;
# record type name is Defect
$result = "";
my $locked_by = $entity->GetLockOwner();
if ($locked_by ne "") {
my $do_unlock = $session->IsUserSuperUser();
if (! $do_unlock) {
# If the current user holds the lock, let them unlock it.
my $username = $session->GetUserLoginName();
if ($username =~ /^$locked_by$/i) {
$do_unlock = 1;
if (! $do_unlock) {
# Additional options to "authorize" unlocking:
# 1) allow if user is a member of an "unlock" group
# get user's groups, check if member
# 2) allow for privileged users, e.g. Security Administrator
# check session for the chosen privilege
# 3) many other possibilities
# if ( user-should-be-allowed-to-unlock-the-record ) {
# $do_unlock = 1;
# }
if ($do_unlock) {
else {
$result = "You are not allowed to unlock this record.";
return $result;
Function Defect_Unlock(param)
' param As Variant
' record type name is Defect
REM add your hook code here
Dim result
Dim session
Dim locked_by
' Get the session
set session = GetSession
locked_by = GetLockOwner
if (locked_by <> "") then
Dim do_unlock
do_unlock = session.IsUserSuperUser
if (NOT do_unlock) then
' If the current user holds the lock, let them unlock it.
Dim username
username = session.GetUserLoginName
if (username = locked_by) then
do_unlock = true
end if
end if
if (NOT do_unlock) then
' Additional options to "authorize" unlocking:
' 1) allow if user is a member of an "unlock" group
' get user's groups, check if member
' 2) allow for some privileged users, e.g. Security Administrator
' check session for the chosen privilege
' 3) many other possibilities
end if
if (do_unlock) then
result = "You are not allowed to unlock this record."
end if
end if
End Function