Considerations for selecting field data types

When you add a field, you must select its data type (see Adding fields to a record type. The data type you select determines the type of values that the user can enter in the field.

Keep these factors in mind when selecting field types:

These data types are supported:

Allows records to store files related to the record.
SQL date and time. For more information, see Dates and times.
SQL integer.
A variable-length string of unlimited size.
A reference to a unique key in a record type. For REFERENCE type fields, you must select a state-based or stateless record type to refer to. You can also enter an optional back-reference field to create a link from the referenced record to this field record and can specify that the referenced record type is under security control.
Multiple references to unique keys in record types. Reference-list fields allow you to reference multiple records within a field. You can use reference-list fields with a parent/child control to link related records. For REFERENCE_LIST type fields, you must select a state-based or stateless record type to refer to. You can also enter an optional back-reference field to create a link from the referenced record to this field record.
A variable-length character string with a 254-character maximum. You set the length in the Properties window when defining the field. Enter a value between 1 and 254 in the Maximum Length field. When a user enters a value in a field of the type SHORT_STRING, any leading or trailing spaces are removed.
Reserved for system fields.
Reserved for system fields.
Reserved for system fields.
Reserved for system fields.