Import file format for attachments

Each attachment import file must contain attachment information for only one record type. If you are importing multiple record types, you must create an attachment import file for each record type that includes attachments.

When formatting an attachment import file, note these requirements:

If you use the Export wizard to export attachment data from another Rational® ClearQuest® database, the original (old) record ID is saved in a field named display_name. Map the display_name field to the original (old) record ID.

The following example associates three attached files with a record whose original ID is 101. The schema contains two attachment fields, attfield1 and attfield2:


In this example, attfield1 has two attached files associated with it. A comma separates the path names for the files. Rational ClearQuest software stores the actual contents of the attachments, not just a reference to them, and uses the pathname to locate and read the file.