If mkreplica
–export fails, your database may be left in a locked state. To resolve this problem, unlock
the schema repository and user database.
About this task
To unlock the schema repository and user database:
- Unlock the schema repository with the installutil unlockschemarepo command.
This command has the following syntax:
installutil unlockschemarepo db-vendor server database dbo-login
dbo-password connection-options
Connection options:
- Oracle database
- HOST=host;SID=sid
- All others
- ""
For example, to unlock the
repository database
test_master_sitea on server
installutil unlockschemarepo SQL_SERVER QE_TEST1 test_master_sitea
multisite multisite ""
multisite is the
dbo-login and
dbo-password for
test_master_sitea database.
- Unlock the user database with the installutil unlockuserdb command.
This command has the following syntax: installutil
unlockuserdb db-vendor server database dbo-login dbo-password connection-options
Connection options:
- Oracle database
- HOST=host;SID=sid
- All others
- ""
For example, to unlock the SQL_SERVER user
database test_user_sitea on server QE_TEST1:
installutil unlockuserdb SQL_SERVER QE_TEST1 test_user_sitea
multisite multisite ""
where multisite is the dbo-login and dbo-password for test_user_sitea.
What to do next
If subsequent attempts with mkreplica
–export result in messages that indicate that the replica already exists or that another
multiutil operation is in progress, contact IBM®
Software Support for Rational® software products.