Replica import problems

There are common replica import problems that can occur.

About this task

If the mkreplica –import command fails for any reason other than a code page mismatch (for example, a network outage or not enough disk space), you must rerun the command. If the mkreplica –import command fails because the data code page value of the exporting replica does not match the code page of the existing schema repository at the importing site, you must first perform one of the following tasks:
  • Reset the code page values at the importing site and then rerun mkreplica –import.
  • Reset the code page values at the exporting site, run another export, and then rerun mkreplica –import at the importing site.

mkreplica can fail during import of the schema repository or during import of the user database.

If mkreplica –import fails during the import of the schema repository, follow these steps:
  1. Delete the vendor databases for the schema repository and user database replica.
  2. Delete the newly created database set name, which is in the format Use the following command:
    installutil dropdbset
  3. Re-create the vendor databases.
  4. Enter the mkreplica –import command.

If mkreplica –import imports the schema repository, but fails during import of the user database, follow these steps:
  1. Delete the vendor databases intended for the user database replicas.
  2. Re-create the vendor databases.
  3. Run the mkreplica –import command again, omitting the repository database options. For example:
    multiutil mkreplica -import -clan telecomm -site tokyo -user masako -p secret
    -database cq_userdb -vendor SQL_SERVER -dbologin juseradmin secret
    -rwlogin juseradmin secret -co "PORT=5411"